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8 Powerful Job Search Strategies

Updated: Jan 26, 2022

I don't know about you, but I'm looking forward to working on my list of projects for this year.

This is something I like to do every year and the fulfilment I get from finally ticking each completed project off is gratifying. I also like to add some fun and unconventional stuff that gets me out of my comfort zone. One year I went skydiving, another year I lived in another country and another year I got a belly ring.

Have you written your list of personal and career projects yet? Remember to make some of it fun!

First on my list was to develop the following job search strategies for all my clients and subscribers. These powerful proven insights were taken from interviewing a number of very successful job searchers.

So, if job searching is on your list please do yourself a favour and get empowered by ticking some of these off your list.


Make sure your brand is working for you. TIP: Check your social media security settings and google your name.


Google top 5 job sites and turn alerts on for jobs that become available. TIP: For Australian jobs go to:


Make sure your online resume is tailored to the jobs you’re looking for. TIP: Make sure your profile is at ‘All Star’ level so that you come up first in job searches.


Make a list of ex managers, colleagues, friends and acquaintances. Talk to everyone. TIP: Say “At the moment I’m looking for a new challenge ideally in the areas of…”. Organise catch ups. Attend networking functions.


Google companies you’d like to work for. Go to the careers section of their website and search for available roles. Apply. Network with Managers via LinkedIn. Email them an “Expression of Interest”. Go to number 4 and network. Ask them to refer you to anyone who can help you.


Google fastest growing companies in Australia. Introduce yourself and write an ‘Expression of interest” email. TIP: List your achievements that relate to the skills they have highlighted as requirements and include a little story about your keen interest.


TIPS: Help them remember you by introducing yourself in person. Always leave a great impression.

Show appreciation and be flexible where possible.

Keep it professional.

Let them know what you’re doing and still open to opportunities.


Always be ready to sell yourself. Develop an effective elevator pitch that you can use to impress a CEO and answer the interview question: “Tell me about yourself”.

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