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Increased jobs lost over coronavirus pandemic last week

The closure of many non-essential businesses in Australia led to people losing their jobs overnight. Many of these people are casual workers and don’t have leave entitlements. Amongst these businesses were pubs, cinemas, gyms, entertainment venues, and beauty and personal care services (excluding hairdressers and barbers).

We also saw large retailers closing their doors due to lack of customers which led to more people losing their jobs.

The Sydney Morning Herald Sun wrote: “The coronavirus pandemic and subsequent economic shutdown will see more than 1 million Australians lose their jobs by November; new analysis suggests.

Westpac economist Bill Evans revised his forecast for the unemployment rate to now surge to 11.1% and could hit 12% by mid-year.

Hiring is still continuing…..

If you are one of these people who have lost their jobs, please don’t prevail, there are many industries who are in urgent need of people with many of your transferrable skills.

Telstra is recruiting 1,000 call centre staff nationwide

Woolworths is looking to hire 20,000 people

Dominos is hiring 2000 people

Industries experiencing a spike right now:



Transport & Logistics

Distribution Centres

Call Centres


Please reach out if you need help with your resume, cover letter, LinkedIn profile and application. I can help with demonstrating transferrable skills to a completely new job and industry.

Contact Mia Vacirca at MCV Careers on 0420 530 095 or

At the end of all this we will and have a better mindset and we will be stronger.

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